Artist: Alejandro Cardenas

Project: CALYPSO

Year: 2022

Processes: Concept Development, 3D Modelling, Styrene Routing, Bronze Casting, Sanding, Polishing

Alejandro Cardenas' third solo exhibition at Almine Rech Paris, titled 'CALYPSO,' draws inspiration from Homer's Odyssey, particularly the years Odysseus spent with the nymph Calypso in Ogygia. Divided into three parts, the exhibition explores Odysseus's time in Ogygia, the suitors of Penelope, and meditations on the questions raised. Cardenas uniquely engages with classical textual sources, intertwining Homer's verses with references from different periods and regions, creating a rich tapestry of meaning across time in his paintings and sculptures.

madFaber produced a pair of bronze sculptures for the exhibition. We worked with the artist from concept development, through stages of 3D modelling and into the final production of the works. A pair of custom plinths were also produced for the sculptures that matched the style of the artworks.


Teresa Solar - Tunnel Boring Machine


Henry Hudson - Nothing Sticks To Nothing