Artist: Manuel Franquelo-Giner
Project: Más allá de lo humano
Year: 2020
Processes: Mold Making, CNC Routing, Painting, Concrete Casting, Resin Casting,
Manuel Franquelo-Giner’s Más allá de lo humano at Twin Gallery explores animal studies through six new works inspired by critical philosophical texts. Addressing themes of capitalist production and the human-animal relationship, the exhibition draws on works by philosophers like Katerina Kolozova and Rosi Braidotti. Using a mix of media, Franquelo-Giner challenges societal structures and urges viewers to reconsider the boundaries of species and their ethical implications.
madFaber aided the artist to produce EL TIMEO with Three-dimensional machining of paper and stucco with metal inlays. SIN TÍTULO using cast concrete and resin. UN CUERVO SE POSÓ EN UNA REPISA DE LA GALERÍA using melted wax, pigments and minerals.